2014년 3월 20일 목요일

How to play Vayne

How to play Vayne?

Vayne is very powerful charater in LOL.
This champion is main damage dealer. But initiate in the game this champion is fuxk.
Damage per second is humble.
So how to play Vayne in?
We must pull minion in line untill LV 2~3. this is prevent Gang and more stayble than push. then you must have a valor like I'm the best in this game. it is help you to fighting opponent.
Best impotant is success of triple attack using a Silver Bolt.
Silver Bolt have a effect of damage to percent damage. How to use this skill is How to play vayne.
However tumble is very simple.
When you play vayne careful to use tumble is one that you must do not tumbling foward to enemy.
If you want to tumble to them, there is one way.
That is tumble to diagonal. It is basic.